Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chapter 10 Live Up to Your Privilege

Chapter 9 Guardians of the Hearth

Chapter 8 Blessings of the Priesthood for All

Chapter 7 Pure Religion

Chapter 6 A Worldwide Circle of Sisterhood

Chapter 5 Charity Never Faileth

Chapter 4 A Wide and Extensive Sphere of Action

Chapter 3 Cleave unto the Covenants

Chapter 2 Something Better

Chapter 1 Relief Society A Restoration of an Ancient Pattern

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Preface "Something Extraordinary"

At the beginning of the preface Emma Smith is quoted saying, "We are going to do something extraordinary."  Extraordinary sounds like such a big thing, something that would take weeks, months, maybe years of planning and perfecting.  Interestingly enough, at the end of the preface we read the words of Alma, "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." Only after rereading the preface did these two parts come together.  The extraordinary works that we are asked to do are not overwhelming huge things, they are small and simple things.   We are asked to do just a little extra of the  ordinary things.  As we look for ways to do a little more we become disciples of Christ.  It is often the small and simple things that make the biggest difference.

How have the "small and simple" acts of others made an "extraordinary" difference in you life?